Family Wellness Clinics
A special clinic designed to keep kids / teens well. Adults can get treated too.
Due to the current pandemic, Family Wellness Clinics are postponed until further notice
Ever wondered if there was a way to naturally increase your child's immunity so that they don't get sick? Is your teen suffering from anxiety and stress and you're not sure what to do about it?
Children's wellness clinics were designed because as a parent, I know I am always seeking ways to keep my kids well. According to Chinese medicine, the qi / energy in our body is consistently circulating. When the qi is not flowing, we get sick. Children are mainly 'Yang' in energy - they have no issue running, jumping, screaming and laughing. But when the Yang becomes excess, imbalance occurs. If we let the imbalance last too long, it can lead to a decreased immune system which can affect digestion, sleep, and mood. Balancing Yin and Yang is the key to wellness.
Children's Wellness Clinics were designed with this in mind - if there was a way every month - we invested just a little bit of time in keeping our kids well, wouldn't we all be better off?
Given my career was in Public Health prior to coming to Chinese Medicine, I am so very passionate about these wellness clinics because it is preventative care at its finest and one of the basic premises of Chinese medicine. People should get acupuncture to stay well and keep the body in harmony.
I also offer two other clinics: Adult Ear Acupuncture and a Teen Clinic (see below). Both are focused at reducing stress, increasing immunity and rebalancing the body. Because acupuncture targets the nervous system and impacts brain chemistry, we find that it can produce positive effects to teens on several different levels, including increasing production of endorphins, alleviating severe symptoms of anxiety and stress, and producing a calming effect.

Pictures from our Monthly Children's Wellness Clinic held at:
Dates of 2024 Clinics:
To be determined
How to Sign Up:
Sign ups are posted on the first of the month and are first come, first serve. See information on Instagram @sunflowerfamilywellness

What type of treatment is done in the Childrens Clinic?
All treatments done in the Childrens Wellness Clinic includes a 15 minute hands on treatment and brief discussion of any acute symptoms the child may be experiencing. Shonishin ((sho = little, ni = children, shin = needle) is the primary modality used with the children. The treatment consists of pressing, rubbing, tapping, or light scraping of the skin to provide a gentle stimulation that will improve the severity of the child’s current symptoms as well as strengthen their overall constitution.
The treatment utilizes specialized techniques within the framework of Traditional Oriental Medicine to balance the child’s energy and stimulate or sedate the energetic pathways as needed and was developed in Japan around 2000 years ago. Since this is non-invasive and non-threatening to the child, the children often enjoy their treatments and look forward to continuing their therapy. If there is a health concern that you want to specifically focus on, we can discuss scheduling a more thorough consultation to meet your child’s individual needs.
Some of the most common conditions treated include:
- coughs
- allergies
- fever
- asthma
- ADD and ADHD
- bed wetting
- digestive disorders
- colic
- sleep disorders
- failure to thrive
- pediatric pain
- symptomatic treatment of Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Other Details:
Do I have to sign up for the children's clinic?
Yes, there are limited spaces available at the Children's clinic at Kindred Space LA. Sign ups are not available now but will be posted when we resume this offering.
What is the cost for the children's clinic?
The cost of the 15 minute children's treatment is $30. Children between the ages of 3 months - 12 years are welcome to attend. See below information for our Teen only clinic.
Can adults be treated too?
During the children and teen clinic, parents can be treated alongside their child with auricular acupuncture (ear needles). Ear acupuncture is extremely effective in treating the whole body. The ear has over 200 points and can help rebalance the body, decrease pain, work on the different organ systems and provide stress relief. Treatments in the wellness clinic focus on building immunity, decreasing stress and calming the nervous system. Cost of the adult treatment is $20. No sign up is necessary but if you want to learn more, click this button.
When and where are Adult / Children clinics held?
The Family Wellness clinics are currently held at Kindred Space LA.
If you are interested in having a wellness clinic for adults or children in your doctors office, preschool or other venue, please contact Sunflower Wellness for Kids.
Teen Acupuncture Clinic
The Teen Acupuncture Clinic (ages 13-17) is designed specifically for this age group to address stress and anxiety. In a community setting, teens lay on yoga mats and receive full body acupuncture treatments with their friends or other peers. Cost of a 25 minute community acupuncture session is $55. The focus of the session is on calming the mind, relieving stress and reseting the nervous system. For other symptoms, please book a private appointment.
Parents are welcome to stay in the community studio and/or hang out in the waiting area. Parents can also get an ear acupuncture treatment while waiting ($20).
Sign up is necessary.
Date: TBD
Time: 3-6pm
Location: Kindred Space La